Mold Making For Precious Metal Clay UsingTwo Part Silicone Putty
Mold making is easy to do when you use a two part silicone mold putty.
Silicone putty is non toxic and can be used for creating simple but detailed molds.
It is easy, fast, flexible, accurate and re-usable, it is ideal for precious metal clay or polymer clay.
It is mixed by hand and then applied to the object you wish to obtain an impression from.
Mixing two part silicone mold putty.
1. Take one piece of part A putty and roll into a ball and then do the same to a piece of part B.
They MUST be the same amount otherwise the finished mold will not set.

2. Mix both part A and B together until the piece is one color only.
It does not take long for the putty to be completely mixed.

3. Press the putty onto the item you want an impression from.
Remember to press firmly to ensure that no air is trapped, then lift the putty gently from the item being copied.

4. Set the putty mold aside to set. Setting time will depend on the type of molding putty used.
Remember always read the manufacturers instructions.
Once set it is ready for use with precious metal clay or polymer clay.

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