Free Handmade Glass
Jewelry Tutorials

Free handmade glass jewelry ideas and tutorials for glass fusing artists.

Handmade fused glass jewelry for pendants, earrings and other fashion design items are included here in this Jewelry Projects collection.

The many handmade glass jewelry projects and ideas in this section are designed for all glass fusing artists to use.

There are a number of pendants utilizing the stacked layer method that is very common in kiln formed fused glass art and produces excellent results.

Technical information for general glass fusing items such as glues, epoxy, volume control etc, can be found at The Glassworks page, don't forget to visit there for additional information.

Please check out the handmade jewelry items in the list below.


Pattern Bar Pendant made from pattern bar slice.

Broken Confetti Pendant confetti and stringer pendant.

Fused Crackle Glass imitation fused crackle glass.

Contoured Fused Pendant contoured fused item.

Fused Flower Project a contoured fused flower piece

Colored Dots pendants are colorful and easy to make.

Kids Fused Colored Pendant multi colored kids item

Fused Glass Stacks are colorful and simple to make.

Contour Fused Dichroic Pendant a contour fused dichroic project.

Dichroic Cabochon Pendant a fused dichroic cabochon piece.

Wavy Dichroic Project fused wavy dichroic item

Fused Dichroic Paper Pendant a fused glass pendant with dichroic paper inserts.

Dichroic Foil Pendant fused dichroic foil pendant

Glass Nuggets a small tutorial for fusing nuggets to use in jewelry projects.

Fused Decorations decorations for jewelry and general fusing items.

Fused Glass Puddles Pendant contour fused puddles pendant

Millefiori Pendant using cut millefiori pieces.

Small Jewels Pendant Contour fused pendant using small jewels.

Colored Frit Blend Project made from colored frit blend

Glass Pendant made from fused buttons.

Stacked Layers Pendant made from stacked layers.

Glass Ponytail Holder fused ponytail holder.

Fused Jewels made from coarse frit.

Dichroic Jewelry Pendant easily made fused dichroic project.

Broken Glass Pendant broken glass pendant fused with frit.

Broken Confetti Pendant made from white fusing glass and glass confetti shards.

Dichroic Cabochons made in a fusing mold.

Dichroic Donut using scrap dichroic to make pendants.

Amber Pendant using transparent light amber fusing glass.

Colored Fish Pendant multi colored fish.

Striped Glass Pendant made from multi-colored strips.

Fused Bead made from two strips of glass.

Fusing Glass Bead made from four strips of glass.


Clear Bubble Powder Pendant clear bubble powder on colored base pendant.

Colored Bubble Powder Pendant colored bubble powder between clear layers.

Bubble Paint Pendant fused bubble paint pendant.

Bubble Paint Glass Pendant bubble paint pendant.

Bubble Stringer Pendant air bubbles trapped between stringers and a clear cap.

Accordion Glass Bubble Pendant air bubbles trapped between accordion glass and a clear cap.

Colored Bubbles Pendant turquoise colored bubbles piece.


Cast Glass Pendant cast from clear and opaque pieces.

Fused Cast Glass Pendant made from coarse and powdered frit.

Cast Glass Confetti Pendant made from frit and confetti pieces.

Marble Style Cast Glass Pendant made from coarse and powdered frit.

Multipile Fused Glass Pendant made from white and colored pieces.

Cast Dichroic Pendant made from clear dichroic and frit powder.

Dichroic Cast Cabochons made from black dichroic and clear frit.

Links Pendant Glass links pendant using fused oval links.


Dichroic Post Earrings are quick and easy to make.

Latticino fused cane earrings.

Zanfirico glass cane earrings.


High Fired Glass Pendant high temperature fused glass and powder item.

Glass Powder Coated Glass Pendant fusing glass and powder project fired at high temperatures.

Frit Powder can produce unique fused designs.

Glass Powder Painting creates original glass fusing projects.

Powdered Frit another fused frit design.

More Powdered Frit designs to play with.

Glass Painted Pendant tutorial for a pendant painted with glass powder.

Fused Frit Blend Pendant a fused frit blend jewelry item

Fused Frit Pendant a tutorial for an item decorated with multi-colored frit.


Bent Glass Stringer used as pendant design feature.

Bent Glass Stringer Pendant another bent stringer pendant design feature.

Fused Glass Stringers Pendant stringers fused between layers of clear art glass.

Glass Stringer Pendant made from stringers on a glass base.

Glass Stringers Pendant made from multi-colored stringers.


Precious Metal Clay And Fused cabochons can be easily combined to make precious metal clay and glass jewelry.

Fused Silver Inclusion Pendant pure silver inclusion fused in glass.

Fused Mica Pendant painted mica fused pendant.

Multi Media Pendant combined fused glass, resin and waterslide transfer item.

Fusing Glass Pendant with resin coated decal.

Multi Media Pendant with resin coated colored sticker.

Low Fire Decal Pendant with butterfly decal.

Enameled Pendant and Decal fused and enameled pendant.

Fused Copper Dragon Inclusion pendant with copper dragon inclusion.

Pattern Bar Brooch made from a pattern bar slice.

Fused Glass Brooch basic design brooch that can be made in many different ways.

Fused Dichroic Brooch simply made brooch.

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