Door Pull Molds

by Mary

Do you know where I can find door pull molds?

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Feb 15, 2011
Door Pull Molds
by: Vicki

You can find a range of door pull molds at Slumpy's who specialize in fusing molds.

Creative Paradise has a range of round, square and oblong molds. You can also buy the metal hardware here.

You will find a large range of molds, enamels and other goodies on this site

Cookin' with glass sell round, square and oblong casting molds. Metal hardware packages can also be purchased here.

Check out their itty bitty casting molds for faces, pendants and other shapes.

Most of these molds are designed for casting with frit, dichroic and small glass pieces which when fused in a glass kiln produce very good results

A search of the web will turn up people who make door pulls; you may get some good design ideas by visiting these sites.

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