Making Dichroic
Post Earrings

Dichroic post earrings are quickly and easily made from small fused dichroic glass cabochons.

These earrings are small, lightweight, bright and sparkly fashion accessories.

Only two pieces are used to make these small glass cabochons.

Designs can be varied by using black or clear dichroic pieces.

A wide range of dichroic colors and patterns can be used to produce original earring designs.


2 pieces of clear fusing glass about 3/8" square.

2 pieces of dichroic about 1/4' square.

1 piece shelf paper or kiln washed shelf.

1 cutter

1 fusing kiln

2 earring posts

Two part epoxy glue

Cutting & Fusing:

1 Cut 2 x 3/8' square pieces of fusible glass and 2 x 1/4"square pieces of dichroic.

2 Clean and dry glass and place a clear cap on each piece of dichroic.

3 Place pieces on shelf and insert in the kiln.

Bring up to fusing temperature reasonably quickly (if using shelf paper leave kiln vented until the paper binders have burnt away and then close kiln).

Due to the small size the earrings should fuse and round out very quickly.

Do not overheat as the cabochons will distort.

Once you are satisfied switch off kiln.

Allow to cool to room temperature.

4 Remove items when the kiln has dropped to room temperature.

5 Using sandpaper roughen small area on the rear, middle of the glass.

Fit earring posts using epoxy glue, leave to set.

This technique can be used to make larger fused glass post earrings or larger designs using ear wires bails and ear wires.

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