Wearing Clear Safety Glasses
In A Fusing Studio

Clear safety glasses should be worn when working in a glass fusing studio as there is always the danger of flying pieces and other material.

When cutting and breaking fusing glass small particles can be broken off and enter the eyes.

Many fusing operations require the wearing of appropriate protective equipment.

If handling chemicals, adhesives, glass powder or other fine materials it is recommended that protective equipment be worn.

In the United States, approved eye protection must meet or exceed ANSI Z87+ standard. This standard establishes the testing requirements and performance criteria for eye and face protection devices.

Equipment meeting this standard should have Z87+ stamped into the frame.

Eye protection is required when using the following equipment:

Table top Grinder


Wet belt sander

Band saw

Ring saw

Tile saw

Trim saw

Drilling equipment


Sand blaster

Glass lathe

This list is not exhaustive glasses should always be worn around all types of glass working equipment.

A full face shield is preferable when using a tile saw to protect against flying material.

Eye protection should be used as well as the full face shield.

The face shield should always be viewed as secondary protection.

For the bifocal wearer clear bifocals made with clear cut clarity and precision, available now in a wide range of styles and prices.

The most common styles of safety bifocals can be purchased with +1.00 to +2.50 lenses.

Eye protection with clear lens is not designed for hot work and should not be used when looking into an open hot fusing kiln.

Shaded kiln glasses must be worn for this type of operation.

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